This dataset contains information about students of QMSS Data Visualization course collected in the first session on Sept 5, 2014 ( Most of the questions concern about students' basic information and software experience.
1.1 Read data and have a sense of the general picture.
setwd("E:/QMSS/Everything abt R/qmssviz/labs/questionnaire")
data <- read.csv("responses-2014-09-05.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
## 'data.frame': 55 obs. of 13 variables:
## $ Timestamp : chr "9/4/2014 18:16:46" "9/4/2014 18:17:10" "9/4/2014 18:17:12" "9/4/2014 18:17:30" ...
## $ Program : chr "Other PhD" "QMSS Second semester +" "Other masters" "QMSS Second semester +" ...
## $ Baseline.experience : chr "Excel, Stata, SPSS, dropbox, google drive (formerly docs)" "Excel, SQL, Web: html, css, js" "Excel, R, Stata, SPSS, Rstudio, dropbox" "Excel, R" ...
## $ : chr "No" "Yes" "Yes" "No" ...
## $ : chr "None" "None" "A little" "A little" ...
## $ : chr "None" "None" "A little" "A little" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Reproducible.research..sweave..knitr..ipnb..etc... : chr "None" "None" "A little" "None" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Python. : chr "None" "None" "None" "None" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Version.control..git..mercurial..subversion..etc...: chr "None" "None" "A little" "None" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Databases..any.. : chr "None" "A little" "A little" "None" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Web.frontend..html.css.basic.js.jquery.. : chr "None" "A little" "A little" "None" ...
## $ Software.experience..the.smaller.list...Serious.javascript..angular.ember.node.d3.. : chr "None" "None" "A little" "None" ...
## $ : chr "No" "No" "No" "No" ...
1.2 Clena data
#Change classe of variable "Program" from character to factor.
data$Program <- as.factor(data$Program)
## EdD Other masters Other PhD
## 1 16 5
## QMSS First semester QMSS Second semester + QMSS third semester
## 18 10 1
## QMSS Third semester Stat Statistics
## 1 1 1
## Undergraduate
## 1
#Combine "EdD" into the catogory of "Other PhD", "Statistics" into "Stat", and QMSS third semester students to the group "QMSS Second semester+"
data <-, gsub, pattern = "EdD", replacement = "Other PhD"))
data <-, gsub, pattern = "Statistics", replacement = "Stat"))
data <-, gsub, pattern = "QMSS third semester", replacement = "QMSS Second semester +"))
data <-, gsub, pattern = "QMSS Third semester", replacement = "QMSS Second semester +"))
#Tranform multiple choice variable "Baseline.experience" into dichotomous variables.
data <-, gsub, pattern = "cvs, svn, hg, bzr", replacement = "cvs; svn; hg; bzr"))
data <-, gsub, pattern = "ec2, s3", replacement = "ec2; s3"))
data <-, gsub, pattern = "html, css, js", replacement = "html; css; js"))
lev <- levels(factor(data$Baseline.experience))
lev <- unique(unlist(strsplit(lev, ", ")))
name <- gsub(" ", "_", paste(lev, sep = "."))
result <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(data$Baseline.experience), ncol = length(lev))
char <- as.character(data$Baseline.experience)
for (i in 1:length(lev)) {
result[grep(lev[i], char, fixed = T), i] <- 1
result <- data.frame(result, stringsAsFactors = T)
colnames(result) <- name
data <- cbind(data, result)
#Create a new variable named "TotalBE" indicating the total number of baseline experience softwares or languages.
data$TotalBE <- rowSums(data[14:45])
#Create a new data frame to sum up the number of students that have previous experience with each software or language.
tools <-[, 14:45], function(v) {
sel <- as.numeric(v==1)
colnames(tools) <- "count"
#And sort the data frame by descending order
tools <- tools[ order(-tools[, 1]), , drop = F]
tools$name <- rownames(tools)
Note: All the analysis are done with the “ggplot2” package.
2.1 Student Background Summary The first plot shows a histogram of the number of students from each program.
plot1 <- qplot(Program, data = data, color = Program, size = I(1.5), main = "Student Background Summary", ylab = " ")
last_plot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), title = element_text(size = 12)) + coord_fixed(ratio = 0.3)
2.2 Baseline Experience Analysis
The second plot demonstrates top 10 most popular computer tools among Data Visualization students.
sub_tool <- tools[10:1, ]
plot2 <- ggplot(sub_tool, aes(x= factor(name, levels=unique(name)), y = count)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", alpha = 1, position = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
xlab(" ") +
ylab(" ") +
ggtitle("Top 10 Most Popular Computer Tools") +
guides(fill = FALSE)
The third plot displays number of tools used before of each student, grouped by program.
plot3 <- qplot(Program, TotalBE, data = data, color = Program, geom = "point", ylab = "Total Number of Baseline Experience Tools", main = "Baseline Experience Summary")
last_plot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) + coord_fixed(ratio = 0.25)
2.3 Software Experience Analysis
The fourth plot shows distribution of level of students’ experience with R graphics.
plot4 <- qplot(data[, 6], data = data, xlab = "Level of Experience with R Graphics", ylab = " ", main = "Distribution of R Graphics Experience") +
facet_wrap(~Program, ncol = 3)
#last_plot() + coord_fixed(ratio = 0.1)
The fifth plot is a pie chart of students’ version control experience.
plot5 <- ggplot(data, aes(x = factor(1), fill = factor(data[, 9]))) +
geom_bar(width = 1) +
xlab(" ") +
ylab(" ") +
ggtitle("Proportional Distribution of Version Control Experience") +
scale_fill_discrete("Level of Experience")
plot5 + coord_polar(theta = "y")