In edited parts. Adjust x axis of scatter plot. Make x axes of butterfly plot match. get color vector so colors are thematically matched. Consider reordering bars in graph 3.

After readin in data, Add CDC data on the number of new cases of each disease each year. For suicides, data is on the number of attempted suicides.

NewCases<-c(550000,1000000, 232000,1700000,47000,209000,5600,6800000)

Next calculate new columns for dollars spent per death, and per case

##              Name                     Description MoneyRaised  Death
## 1   Heart Disease             Jump Rope for Heart        54.1 596577
## 2         Suicide  Out of Darkness Overnight Walk         3.2  39518
## 3   Breast Cancer         Komen Race for the Cure       257.9  41374
## 4        Diabetes Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes         4.2  73831
## 5        HIV/AIDS                Ride to End Aids        14.0   7683
## 6 Prostate Cancer                        Movember       147.0  21176
## 7     MND and ALS        ALS Ice Bucket Challenge        22.9   6849
## 8            COPD             Fight for Air Climb         7.0 142942
##   NewCases PerDeath  PerCase
## 1   550000  0.09068 0.098364
## 2  1000000  0.08098 0.003200
## 3   232000  6.23217 1.111422
## 4  1700000  0.05689 0.002471
## 5    47000  1.82220 0.297872
## 6   209000  6.94182 0.703349
## 7     5600  3.34355 4.089286
## 8  6800000  0.04897 0.001029

Intially, the plot of amount of money raised by number of new cases shows two main things. Firstly, there are vastly more new cases of COPD each year than new cases of any other disease. Secondly, compared to the number of new cases each year both breast cancer and prostrate cancer seem to be raising disproportionately large sums of money. In contrast, diseases like Diabetes,HIV and Heart disease raise comparitively little money.

## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.0.3

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Next we use a two sided bar chart to compare dollars raised per case and per death in each disease. Looking at fundraising per death, both prostrate and breast cancercharities raised close to 6 dollars per death. ALS and HIV raise a moderate amount (between 2 and 4 dollars per death). In contrast heart dieases, suicide, diabetes and COPD all raise less than 10c per death. The graph of fundraising by case shows that ALS raises the most dollars per case, with both types of cancer being the next most heavily funded.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5 Finally, to more easily compare per death and per case spending we look at a paired bar chart. From this graph we can clearly see that both prostrate cancer and breast cancer raised alot of money especially on a per death basis (likely because neither disease has a high mortality rate).

## Warning: package 'reshape2' was built under R version 3.0.3

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Graph of Dollars raised per case

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Now produce a similar graph for dollars raised per death plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8