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## Loading required package: ggplot2
##    weight      feed
## 1     179 horsebean
## 2     160 horsebean
## 3     136 horsebean
## 4     227 horsebean
## 5     217 horsebean
## 6     168 horsebean
## 7     108 horsebean
## 8     124 horsebean
## 9     143 horsebean
## 10    140 horsebean
## 11    309   linseed
## 12    229   linseed
## 13    181   linseed
## 14    141   linseed
## 15    260   linseed
## 16    203   linseed
## 17    148   linseed
## 18    169   linseed
## 19    213   linseed
## 20    257   linseed
## 21    244   linseed
## 22    271   linseed
## 23    243   soybean
## 24    230   soybean
## 25    248   soybean
## 26    327   soybean
## 27    329   soybean
## 28    250   soybean
## 29    193   soybean
## 30    271   soybean
## 31    316   soybean
## 32    267   soybean
## 33    199   soybean
## 34    171   soybean
## 35    158   soybean
## 36    248   soybean
## 37    423 sunflower
## 38    340 sunflower
## 39    392 sunflower
## 40    339 sunflower
## 41    341 sunflower
## 42    226 sunflower
## 43    320 sunflower
## 44    295 sunflower
## 45    334 sunflower
## 46    322 sunflower
## 47    297 sunflower
## 48    318 sunflower
## 49    325  meatmeal
## 50    257  meatmeal
## 51    303  meatmeal
## 52    315  meatmeal
## 53    380  meatmeal
## 54    153  meatmeal
## 55    263  meatmeal
## 56    242  meatmeal
## 57    206  meatmeal
## 58    344  meatmeal
## 59    258  meatmeal
## 60    368    casein
## 61    390    casein
## 62    379    casein
## 63    260    casein
## 64    404    casein
## 65    318    casein
## 66    352    casein
## 67    359    casein
## 68    216    casein
## 69    222    casein
## 70    283    casein
## 71    332    casein
##    cwt$feed cwt$weight
## 1    casein      323.6
## 2 horsebean      160.2
## 3   linseed      218.8
## 4  meatmeal      276.9
## 5   soybean      246.4
## 6 sunflower      328.9

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

For the first graph I used the dataset, “Chickwt” which measured the weight of chickens by the type of feed they were given. The colors of the dots correspond to the type of feed. The x-axis plots the weight of childrens. The colors clump pretty closely by feed type, and fall along a continuum. You can see that casein yields chickens with the lowest weight, and sunflower seeds yields chickens with the largest weights. The number of chickens surved were different depeneding on the type of feed, so the y-axis shows the number of chickens corresponding to each weight category.

For the second graph, I used the same dataset and constructed a histogram. The bins are categorized by the type of feed, and the y axis is by weight of the chicken. I had to ajust the y values to be from 0 to 400.

For the third graph, I constructed box plots by feed type. The box plots show the interquartile range, similar to the spread of each variable. You can see that casein has the widest spread of values of weights while sunflower has the smallest spread.