Initial try, playing with the original dataset and the ggplot2 command quickplot:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

For my next attempt I will be using the dataset InsectSprays.

Description of Dataset

The counts of insects in agricultural experimental units treated with different insecticides

Tabulating the data:

##   IS$spray IS$count
## 1        A   14.500
## 2        B   15.333
## 3        C    2.083
## 4        D    4.917
## 5        E    3.500
## 6        F   16.667

Plot 1

My first plot with this data doesn’t differentiate amongst the different type of sprays: plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Plot 2

My second plot is a dotplot. Here the dots do discriminate amongst the 6 different types of sprays plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Plot 3

This plot is a variant of Plot 2’s data, in boxplot format ?ggplot plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5