Project Overview


Reviewee leads

  1. Here is a problem I am working on.
  2. Here is the problem I solved.
  3. This is my solution. It works because __.
  4. Here is something that doesn't work — I need help!
  5. I thought about doing __ instead.

Reviewer(s) read and ask

  1. Why did you do that?
  2. Can you explain that function?
  3. How did you do __?
  4. Will that work if __?
  5. Did you think about __?
  6. I didn't know about __.


  1. Write comments inline or on PRs
  2. Thank each other!


  1. Who discussed color in their reviews?
  2. Let me start with an embarrassing example…
  3. What are different types of color scales?
  4. Name some color scales. -- Brewer, Category10 (Tableau), hcl hue, rainbow
  5. What is a color space? How do you represent colors to a computer? What is alpha?
  6. If you were making a graph, what colors would you use?
  7. What are the ggplot2 defaults? What works about them? What doesn't?
  8. What happens when you have two categories? 3? 20?
  9. How are they sorted? How else could you sort?
  10. How do you map a continuous value?
  11. Do you always want linear interpolation? How many points?

Many links…

  1. ggplot2 implementation
  2. cookbook for r
  3. d3
  4. Brewer
  5. I want Hue
  6. Tristen

30-second Project Pitches

  1. What stream(s) are you interested in?
  2. Any initial ideas? Data / visualization targets?
  3. Strengths / weaknesses?

Next, on Piazza

Write a quick summary, and read others. Form groups of 2 or 3. Preferably not with your friends, and with people who know more or less than you.