Project Overview
Reviewee leads
- Here is a problem I am working on.
- Here is the problem I solved.
- This is my solution. It works because __.
- Here is something that doesn't work — I need help!
- I thought about doing __ instead.
Reviewer(s) read and ask
- Why did you do that?
- Can you explain that function?
- How did you do __?
- Will that work if __?
- Did you think about __?
- I didn't know about __.
- Write comments inline or on PRs
- Thank each other!
- Who discussed color in their reviews?
- Let me start with an embarrassing example…
- What are different types of color scales?
- Name some color scales. -- Brewer, Category10 (Tableau), hcl hue, rainbow
- What is a color space? How do you represent colors to a computer? What is alpha?
- If you were making a graph, what colors would you use?
- What are the ggplot2 defaults? What works about them? What doesn't?
- What happens when you have two categories? 3? 20?
- How are they sorted? How else could you sort?
- How do you map a continuous value?
- Do you always want linear interpolation? How many points?
Many links…
- ggplot2 implementation
- cookbook for r
- d3
- Brewer
- I want Hue
- Tristen
30-second Project Pitches
- What stream(s) are you interested in?
- Any initial ideas? Data / visualization targets?
- Strengths / weaknesses?
Next, on Piazza
Write a quick summary, and read others. Form groups of 2 or 3. Preferably not with your friends, and with people who know more or less than you.