QMSS Data Visualization

Who are you?

What do you already know how to do?


Some administrative bits





  • Practical data visualization
  • working with actual data
  • collaborating with others
  • using modern, rapidly changing tools

Rapidly Changing:

Some things are… timeless?

Master the everyday, mundane but indispensible…

…tools of the trade:

  • text editors
  • version control (git)
  • the command line

  • Practice iterative and collaborative development of your projects
  • Initiate and participate in code and project reviews
  • Fail early, learn from it, and ask for help

My roles

Editor, Curator

  • Lots of readings to be familiar with
  • A few slides?
  • Tons of links

Senior Developer

  • debug
  • readable
  • reproducible
  • present
  • share mistakes!

Project manager

  • 4 3-week sprints
  • itemizing tasks
  • estimating work
  • dividing tasks
  • revising!

Think about graphs like a data scientist

State menu patterns

Let's talk about…

After class

  • Make a Github account if you don't already have one
  • Fork the repo — your assignments will be in the form of pull requests!
  • Install R and [RStudio] for next week's gentle intro to R
  • Read about RMarkdown


  • Git intro

  • Another intro video

  • Git workflow for beginners

  • Forking

  • Training and Guides

  • Sharing and Collaborating

  • Git branching game!

    Fork and clone

    git clone https://github.com/YOUR-NAME/qmssviz.git
    cd qmssviz
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/malecki/qmssviz.git