Sam Guleff Mini Assignment

NYC Accident Data Preliminary Analysis


Starting with a cleaned version of NYPD's Crash Data which can be obtained at NYPD Crash Data Band-Aid. I wanted to determine the most accident prone locations within the 300,000 sample data set and plot onto a map of each of the 5 boroughs. I also started looking at most dangerous pedestrian intersections around New York and Columbia University specifically. Also, I started playing with overlaying a bin map with a few types of bins (cyclists and pedestrians killed, and a variety of primary causes of accidents). Lastly, I wanted to plot a density of accidents map which I believe would be proportional to the traffic density, however I was unable to correlate that as average traffic density in New York is difficult to find.

Libraries Used:

ggmap - allows for the easy visualization of spatial data and models on top of Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, Stamen Maps, or CloudMade Maps using ggplot2.

SQLDF - Manipulate R data frames using SQL. Being more comfortable with SQL queries I wanted a package to manipulate the data.

Commented Code:

#Sam Guleff SG2665
#EDAV mini Assignment #1

#load all the libraries needed 

#functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#takes data and returns new size limited dataframe aggregated by lat,long and ordered by a column
AggregateData <- function(DATA, orderByCol, maxValues)
  tmp <- paste(sep="", "SELECT lon,lat,sum(",orderByCol,") as agg_",orderByCol, " FROM DATA where lon <> '' and lat <> '' GROUP BY lon,lat order by agg_",orderByCol, " desc limit ", as.character(maxValues))

#takes data and returns new size limited dataframe aggregated by lat, long and ordered by a column where at least 1 cyclists_injured, cyclists_killed, pedestr_killed, pedestr_injured 
AggregateDataPedCyc <- function(DATA, orderByCol, maxValues)
  tmp <- paste(sep="", "SELECT lon,lat, SUM(cyclists_injured + cyclists_killed + pedestr_killed + pedestr_injured) as agg_",orderByCol, " FROM DATA where (cyclists_injured + cyclists_killed + pedestr_killed + pedestr_injured) > 0 and lon <> '' and lat <> '' GROUP BY lon,lat HAVING agg_", orderByCol," > 10 order by agg_", orderByCol, " desc limit ", as.character(maxValues))

#takes aggregated data and requires 3 fiels lon, lat and agg_collisions to plot 
plotPointMap <- function(plotData, zoomLevel,  pointSize, pointAlpha, LocationCenter, chartTitle = "")
  ZOOM_LEVEL <<- zoomLevel
  #plot the hybrid Google Maps basemap with points on top
  map <- qmap(LocationCenter, zoom = ZOOM_LEVEL, legend = "topleft")
  #map + geom_point(data = colLocations, aes(x =  as.numeric(as.character(lon)), y =  as.numeric(as.character(lat)), color=total_killed), size=GEOMPT_SIZE, alpha=GEOM_ALPHA)
  map + geom_point(data = plotData, aes(x =  as.numeric(as.character(lon)), y = as.numeric(as.character(lat)), color=agg_collisions), size=pointSize, alpha=pointAlpha) +  scale_colour_gradient(low="blue",high="red") + ggtitle(chartTitle)

#plot a bin map based on pedestrian and cyclist
plotDeathBinMap <- function(plotData, LocationCenter, zoomLevel, binNumber,  chartTitle = "")
  ZOOM_LEVEL <<- zoomLevel

  #select only deaths
  SelectBins <- "SELECT lon,lat, CASE 
  WHEN cyclists_killed > 0 THEN \"cyclists killed\" 
  WHEN pedestr_killed > 0  THEN \"pedestr killed\" 
  ELSE \"None\" END as Injury_Type FROM Allcollisions"
  binSetFull <- sqldf(SelectBins)

  #remove the none cases
  SelectRemoveNone <- "SELECT lon,lat, Injury_Type FROM binSetFull WHERE Injury_Type <> \"None\" "
  binMapFiltered <- sqldf(SelectRemoveNone)

  #bin types
  binMapFiltered$Injury_Type <- factor(binMapFiltered$Injury_Type, levels = c("cyclists killed", "pedestr killed")) #, "cyclists injured", "pedestr injured"

  #map code below
  geo <- stat_bin2d(
    aes(x = as.numeric(as.character(lon)), y = as.numeric(as.character(lat)), colour = Injury_Type, fill = Injury_Type),
    size = .5, bins = 60, alpha = 1/2,
    data = binMapFiltered)

  map <- qmap(LocationCenter, zoom = ZOOM_LEVEL, legend = "topleft") + ggtitle(chartTitle)

  map + geo 


#plot alternate ways to bin the data
plotAltBinMap <- function(plotData, LocationCenter, zoomLevel, binNumber,  chartTitle = "")
  ZOOM_LEVEL <<- zoomLevel

  #select bins
  SelectBins <- "SELECT lon,lat, CASE 
  WHEN aggressive_driving_road_rage > 0 THEN \"Road Rage\" 
  WHEN cell_phone_hand_held > 0  THEN \"Cell Use\" 
  WHEN texting > 0  THEN \"Text\" 
  WHEN unsafe_speed > 0  THEN \"Unsafe Speed\" 

  ELSE \"None\" END as Injury_Type FROM Allcollisions"
  binSetFull <- sqldf(SelectBins)

  #remove the none cases
  SelectRemoveNone <- "SELECT lon,lat, Injury_Type FROM binSetFull WHERE Injury_Type <> \"None\" "
  binMapFiltered <- sqldf(SelectRemoveNone)

  #bin types
  binMapFiltered$Injury_Type <- factor(binMapFiltered$Injury_Type, levels = c("Road Rage", "Cell Use","Text","Unsafe Speed")) #, "cyclists injured", "pedestr injured"

  #map code below
  geo <- stat_bin2d(
    aes(x = as.numeric(as.character(lon)), y = as.numeric(as.character(lat)), colour = Injury_Type, fill = Injury_Type),
    size = .5, bins = 60, alpha = 1/2,
    data = binMapFiltered)

  map <- qmap(LocationCenter, zoom = ZOOM_LEVEL, legend = "topleft") + ggtitle(chartTitle)

  map + geo 


#plot a density map of killed and injured pedestrians
plotDensityMap <- function(plotData, LocationCenter, zoomLevel, binNumber,  chartTitle = "")
  ZOOM_LEVEL <<- zoomLevel

  #select only deaths
  SelectBins  <- "SELECT lon,lat, CASE 
  WHEN cyclists_killed > 0 THEN \"cyclists killed\" 
  WHEN pedestr_killed > 0  THEN \"pedestr killed\" 
  WHEN cyclists_injured > 0  THEN \"cyclists injured\" 
  WHEN pedestr_injured > 0  THEN \"pedestr injured\" 
  ELSE \"None\" END as Injury_Type FROM Allcollisions"
  binSetFull <- sqldf(SelectBins)

  #remove the none cases
  SelectRemoveNone<- "SELECT lon,lat, Injury_Type FROM z WHERE Injury_Type <> \"None\" "
  binMapFiltered <- sqldf(SelectRemoveNone)

  #bin types and convert lon,lat to num
  z$Injury_Type <- factor(z$Injury_Type, levels = c("cyclists killed", "pedestr killed","pedestr injured","cyclists injured")) #, "cyclists injured", "pedestr injured"
  z$lon <- as.numeric(as.character(z$lon))
  z$lat <- as.numeric(as.character(z$lat)) 

  #map code below
  geo <- stat_density2d(
    aes(x = as.numeric(as.character(lon)), y = as.numeric(as.character(lat)), alpha = ..level.., fill = ..level..),
    size = .5, bins = 6, alpha = 1/2,
    data = z, geom = "polygon")

  map <- qmap(LocationCenter, zoom = ZOOM_LEVEL, legend = "topleft") + ggtitle(chartTitle)

  map + geo


#Main Code Below -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set working directory
setwd("Y:/CloudStation/1 TextBooks and Notes/Data Visualization/Homework/")

#parameters for filtering and mapping
LON_ROUND = 4 #factor to round long locations together 4 -> .001 ~70.5ft bucket assuming 24,000 miles per LoN
LAT_ROUND = 3 #factor to round long locations together 3 -> .001 ~352ft bucket assuming 12,000 miles @ 40N

#don't reread 44Megs of data is already loaded
if (!exists("Allcollisions"))
  Allcollisions <- read.delim("collisions.csv", dec=",")

#find most collisions and plot top 1000
clgroup <- AggregateData(Allcollisions, "collisions" , 100000)
plotPointMap(clgroup, 15,  GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Columbia University, New York", "Most accident prone intersections near Columbia")

clgroup <- AggregateData(Allcollisions, "collisions" , 1000)
plotPointMap(clgroup, 15, GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Times Square, New York", "TOP Accident Locations near Midtown")
plotPointMap(clgroup, 13, GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Brooklyn, New York", "TOP Accident Locations near Brooklyn")
plotPointMap(clgroup, 13,  GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Queens, New York", "TOP Accident Locations near Queens")
plotPointMap(clgroup, 13, GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Bronx, New York", "TOP Accidents Location near The Bronx")
plotPointMap(clgroup, 13, GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Staten Island, New York", "TOP Accident Locations near Staten Island")

#data on ped + cyc accidents only
clgroup <- AggregateDataPedCyc(Allcollisions, "collisions" , 300000)
plotPointMap(clgroup, 15,  GEOMPT_SIZE, GEOM_ALPHA, "Columbia University, New York", "Most Dangerous Pedestrian Intersections near Columbia")
plotPointMap(clgroup, 12, 3, GEOM_ALPHA, "Times Square, New York", "Most Dangerous Pedestrian Intersections around NYC")

#data bined into cyclist and pedestrian deaths
plotDeathBinMap(Allcollisions, "Times Square, New York", 12, 60, "Deadly Pedestrian Accidents")

#density plot of all pedestrian accidents
plotDensityMap(Allcollisions, "Times Square, New York", 11, 6,  chartTitle = "Density of Pedestrian Accidents")

#alternate binning of data
plotAltBinMap(Allcollisions, "Times Square, New York", 12, 60, "Potential Causes of Accidents")


Aggregated 5 years of traffic accidents showing most likely locations of accidents within neighborhoods or boroughs.

Aggregated 5 years of traffic accidents showing pedestrian & cyclist accidents within neighborhoods or boroughs.

Bins on map showing where deadly accidents have occurred by pedestrian & cyclist.

Attempt to plot accident density overlaied onto New York City map.

Bins on map showing possible causes of accidents

Time Lapse and 3D Map Data Time Lapse Video and 3D Map Sample

Difficulties and Issues:

  • Strange issue with variables and functions. Likely relating to environment (namespace)
  • Binning proved difficult to plot and took longer to munge into the proper format for bin and density graphs
  • Would like to clean up functions to better handle sorting, filtering, grouping to make further analysis cleaner and easier.

Published: February 14 2015

  • category: