Agenda for today

  1. Re-situate, review, critique
  2. Lightning demo
  3. Presentation plans
  4. Project plans
  5. Git/github/Rmd trauma triage success!


In which you are the expert on some block of material. They may be joint or individual.

  1. What do we need to know before we start?
  2. Demo the basics
  3. Show us the code
  4. Show us your summary on your fork or the wiki
  5. Field questions
  6. If you can work in a graph critique (even better, fix), please do!


In which you are a specialist on a team. Use the Piazza team-finder to group yourselves into teams of 4 or 5.

  1. Some work with data — of any size — that merits your attention with a team for the next couple of months.
  2. If you have a data source in mind, propose it on Piazza
  3. Data suggestions? See the wiki…
  4. It should involve exploring data or an interface.
  5. Visual? (Other senses exist too!) — some processing in your brain.

Some things are… timeless?

State migrations

100 people

Diversity at Yahoo!


git/github/etc trauma